How to Survive the Holiday Travel Season
As the holiday season approaches, so does a busy travel season. The chaos can put a damper on your cheerful spirit if you aren’t prepared. Here are some of Travel Insured’s top tips to survive holiday season travel:
Take the road less traveled
Even if you know where to drive, use a navigation app (Google Maps, Waze, etc) to keep you on the least congested route.
Take precautions for your electronics
Add password protection to your devices if you haven’t already done so. If you’re checking your bank account, or anything else confidential, don’t use public Wi-Fi. Travelers often forget that even hotel Wi-Fi is a target for hackers, since they know tourists are there.
Keep the kids happy
When traveling with children, pack yummy snacks for them. If they’re being disruptive to others it could help to distract them with a snack. You could also gift your snacks to nearby travelers as a “thank you for being patient with us” offering.
Always arrive at least an hour early to the airport
Airports are particularly crowded around holidays. Showing up early ensures you won’t miss your flight due to long lines. Having extra time to kill is better than running to your gate or missing your departure.
Don’t travel with wrapped gifts
You should pack your gifts unwrapped or you risk TSA opening the gift before the intended recipient! Another alternative is to use gift bags instead of wrapping paper. You can pack gift wrap and tape in your bag to put the gift together post-security checkpoint. If you’re still concerned, you can always ship your gifts to your destination instead of packing them.
Make your baggage stand out
Invest in a unique colored/patterned bag or find a bright luggage tag or ribbon to attach. This can help you recognize your bag easily at baggage claim and in crowded overhead bins.
Don’t over pack, except for medication
Take enough of your prescription medications for the duration of the trip, plus extra in case you aren’t able to return home on time. Weather can be pretty unpredictable around the holidays, which means travel plans are susceptible to delays and cancellations.
Help prepare for the unexpected with travel protection
A travel protection plan can be useful during one of the busiest times of the year. There are more important things to have on your mind, so let travel protection help you travel relaxed, travel secure, travel insured. For more information, click here. |