May 2018 Newsletter

May Newsletter

may newsletter header
couple on sailboat

Setting Sail? Practice Boating Safety

If you own a boat or watercraft, or are thinking of purchasing one this summer, you know that safety comes first when you’re at sea.  Check out these boat safety tips that will help you avoid choppy waters before you set sail.

  • Wear a life jacket: 80% of drowning victims were not wearing a PFD (Personal Flotation Device) or life jacket. California requires that children under 13 wear a life jacket and that every boat be equipped with one life jacket per passenger.
  • Take a boating course: California does require all boaters to carry the California Boater card while operating a recreational motorized vessel.  Click here for more information
  • Schedule a vessel safety check: The Coast Guard auxiliary offers free safety checks. For more information, visit
  • Equip your boat with an emergency kit and be familiar with how to use each of the items. It’s recommended to include the following: fire extinguisher, first aid kit, visual distress signal and/or a Coast Guard-approved throwable PFD, such as a life ring or a horseshoe. Organize an emergency plan and make sure that passengers are familiar with it. Remember to test equipment and be knowledgeable of the suggested guidelines for usage and replacement.
  • Be prepared for the weather: Check the weather forecast before going on the water and be equipped for changes.
  • Know where you are: The Coast Guard recommends having charts, a GPS (Global Positioning System) and a reliable means of communication on board.
  • Know how to contact the Coast Guard: Marine radio is the preferred method to communicate on the water because it broadcasts to other boaters in the vicinity. If using a cell phone on the water, test it for a maritime emergency by dialing *CG (*24). There is no charge or penalty for calling to test the signal.
  • Don’t drink and drive: According to the Coast Guard, a boat operator with a blood alcohol level of .10 percent is 10 times more likely to be killed in a boating accident than a boat operator with a blood alcohol level of zero. Operating a boat while drinking is illegal in several states. Remember that the effects of alcohol are exacerbated when combined with sun exposure and being on the water.

Before you sail the seven seas, make sure that you’re well protected.  Apollo Insurance Services is happy to help you with a free quote.  Contact us today at 800.426.1088 option 2or click here.

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Tell A Friend

Your business means the world to us. We want to continually earn your trust and provide you with exceptional customer service and a vast array of personal insurance products. We understand the importance of a comprehensive insurance package that fits your individual needs and protects what’s essential in your life. We hope that we have exceeded your expectations and that you’ll share us with your family and friends. And, as our way of saying thank you, we have created a referral program, just for you.
Here’s How it Works:

  • For every referral that is sold we will send you a $20 Gift Card!
  • We have an annual drawing, the prize is $100 and is given to the charity of the winner’s choice.
    • Each referral you’ve given throughout the year equals one entry for our annual drawing.
    • We’ll announce who won on our Facebook page.
    • Use multiple forms if needed.
    • Click here to submit
winding road

Spring Driving Safety Tips!

While many drivers might not think about it, spring brings its own set of driving hazards to be aware of. Luckily, there are precautions you can take to ensure that you stay safe while on the road. Try out these suggestions to help you drive safely this spring.

Beware of Wet Weather

For many states, springs marks the beginning of rainy season. If your area is prone to wet weather, then make sure you know how to handle wet driving conditions.  For instance, you should take care to reduce your speed, increase your following distance, and avoid slamming on your brakes. Employing these defensive driving strategies will reduce your chances of skidding and losing control of your vehicle.

Avoid Puddles

Wet weather can also mean more puddles on the roadway. If possible, you should try to avoid driving through puddles as they can increase your chances of skidding and could harbor hidden dangers such as broken glass or shards of metal. If you cannot safely avoid a puddle, then just make sure you reduce your speed before hitting the puddle and avoid stepping on your brake as you move through. This will help you minimize your chances of skidding and sustaining tire damage.

Watch Out for Others on the Road

With warmer temperatures, you should expect to see more motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians on the road. It’s important that you keep an eye out for these other parties as they can easily slip into your blind spot if you are not paying attention. To stay safe, you should be particularly careful to avoid distractions as you drive and, if you see them, you should take steps to ensure the safety of motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Make sure you take these precautions to drive safely this spring  Want another way to stay safe while behind the wheel? Then make sure you have the proper auto insurance protections in place. To find the right policies to fit your needs, call your friends at Apollo Insurance Services at 800.426.1088, option 2. Our dedicated team is ready to get you covered today.

disney land characters

Fun Facts about Disneyland

Most of us have been to Disneyland at some point in our lives – when we were kids, or when we starting having kids! It’s a part of life in Southern California and it brings out the kid in all of us. Even though we may have been there dozens or even hundreds of times, there are some things you may not know about the “Happiest Place on Earth”

Here are some fun facts:

  1.  When the park opened in 1955 admission was $1 and they only had 18 attractions, today there are 51 attractions.
  2. All the plants in Tomorrowland are edible.
  3. Disneyland is home to about 100 feral cats “employees” that help keep rats out. Originally Walt relocated them but now they are considered to be organic pest control and are “staff”
  4. There is a basketball court for cast members in the Matterhorn. The Matterhorn is one of the unique rides not available at Disney World.
  5. Walt Disney had his own private apartment above the Fire Station on Main Street. They keep a light on in the window to keep his spirit alive.
  6. Disneyland parks cover about 80 acres while Disney World is roughly the size of San Francisco, so much easier to get around at Disneyland.